Laura Bowler

  • Duration

    22 mins

  • Year of composition


  • Number of performers


  • First performance

    21st Nov 2022, Zubin Kanga, Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival

  • Commissioned by

    Zubin Kanga as part of Cyborg Soloists, with the support of a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship, Royal Holloway, University of London, and the RVW Trust


An investigation into the multiplicities of the physical and virtual self through the lens of piano performance and practice. Excavating the intimate relationship between performance and instrument, SHOW(ti)ME gradually draws back the mask of performance, revealing the performer’s vulnerabilities through an explosive magnification of the minutia of piano practice.

The performing self is extended and contorted through a collaging of multimedia practices; live camera, pre-recorded camera, MiMU gloves, live and fixed electronics.


Piano / MiMU gloves / live electronics / live video (1 performer)